[kkk] - Invitation to Highlighting phenomena of interest on satellite images for common use of Copernicus and crowdsourcing for data -workshop 27th Sep 2022 at 9-11 (online / on location at Viikki/Helsinki)

Pyhälahti Timo timo.pyhalahti at syke.fi
Mon Sep 12 18:02:43 EEST 2022

Dear Sir/Madame,

FPCUP EO-Crowd project has developed new ideas and services for communicating on environmental issues based on satellite data: In Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) TARKKA satellite data viewing service ( syke.fi/tarkka ) it is possible to highlight and describe interesting features as seen on Copernicus service data - either on true color satellite images on Sentinel-2 and -3 or on thematic maps based on satellite data. Phenomena on thematic domains of water color (incl. turbidity) and algae blooms on water as well as on ice and snow features on satellite data can be linked to and described, for use in different services. The data is available as language -independent datasets in web service interfaces and descriptions of data models and the associated data submission services for different local / language dependent service implementations are published by the common platform by SYKE. The references to dates and locations in images exceptionally well worth looking at are known as HISPs (referring to highlighting service of phenomena instances). Syke provides different user interfaces to this open data, but essentially users would be welcome to integrate these open services to their own, and to create own map interfaces to these data or to submit these HISP observations according to pre-defined map form questionnaire.

These HISPs are gathered in Syke crowdsourcing platform CitobsDB (referring to citobs services, that is citizen observations and other crowdsourcing activities). For users of TARKKA, the submission of these observations is available as crowdsourcing: HISP data could be provided as an expert service too by filtering out only the data by professional observers. As hashtags etc can be attached to the submitted observation events, filtering of data for users would be possible for different observation campaigns etc. The current web map widgets merely indicate what kind of possibilities different web media services could have with "for your information" services as HISPs on different thematic domains.

Most important crowdsourcing platforms applications would probably be the actions initiated by earlier submissions, such as submitted HISP observations near submitted definitions on monitoring sites - requests of local on site crowdsourcing and in situ measurements could be triggered. Or, for archived satellite images, requests to search additional satellite images on different resolutions etc could initiate chains of actions based on these "suggested actions". As these requests of actions are basically crowdsourced, management of such activities can be decentralized for local decision making on observation and action campaign priorities. A method of indicating which requests should be prioritized and which overlooked in different campaigns and by different service systems is presented. The required properties of future common practices and guidelines of such common crowdsourcing activities is the key topic of discussions in a forthcoming workshop - mainly to discuss roadmap of future development.

In the workshop on Tue 27th Sep, 2022 9-11 (EET) the current state of development is presented and the development roadmap, general plan for further development is discussed.  These online presentations and discussions will be recorded and made publicly available online, with presentation slides. In this hybrid event, participation on site at Syke in Viikki, Helsinki is possible, with possibility to more detailed discussions later.

For those interested in the topics presented, an online survey is made available, preferably to be filled in before 20th Sep, 2022: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/s/EOcrowd


  *   Send email to havaitsemaan at syke.fi<mailto:havaitsemaan at syke.fi> indicating if you are participating online or if you come over to have a cup of coffee before & after the session on location at Syke, Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 HELSINKI, Finland
  *   A TEAMS online meeting link will be sent for those participating online and more detailed location instructions for potential on location participants
  *   An information package on links to previous presentations will be sent to those registered
  *   Please fill in the user / stakeholder survey: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/s/EOcrowd
  *   In these potential COVID times those registered for on location are welcome to change to online participation without further notice: We will reserve coffee for those registered by 20th Sep.

Contacts and comments on the topic are welcome by email at timo.pyhalahti at syke.fi<mailto:timo.pyhalahti at syke.fi> and in havaitsemaan at syke.fi<mailto:havaitsemaan at syke.fi> before or after the workshop.

Looking forward to your registrations!

Some preliminary links
Sentinel & other SYKE Copernicus related satellite EO data and products at Syke TARKKA:

Real time full collection of HISP examples are presented in the following example map forms, which introduce the questions, options and instructions as HISP data is sent (in Finnish and English language services):

Water color & turbidity:

Algae blooms:

Snow and ice:

Additional data samples etc will be provided for those registered!

Timo Pyhälahti, Senior expert
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke)
Data and Information Centre / Geoinformatics Systems (TK/TPJ)
Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 HELSINKI, Finland

tel: +358 295 251 527 (main number), +358 40 739 9078 (old number still valid)
timo.pyhalahti at syke.fi<mailto:timo.pyhalahti at syke.fi>  www.ymparisto.fi<http://www.ymparisto.fi/> www.syke.fi<http://www.syke.fi/>

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