12 PhD student positions can be applied from Graduate School "Atmospheric Composition and Climate Change: From Molecular Processes to Global Observations and Models" (more information, application form: http://www.atm.helsinki.fi/gs)
The director of the Graduate School is Academy Professor Markku Kulmala.
The Graduate School offers education and supervision on the following
research topics:
- Aerosol-cloud-climate interactions
- Biosphere-atmosphere interactions
- Global climate modelling
- Land use change quantification methods in relation to climate change and methods for early signalling to adaptation to climate change impacts
- Development of aerosol, remote sensing, radar, and environmental technology
- Linking aerosol and environmental technology to 3D city models and built environment
- Improved positioning to improve in-situ measurements
- Ubiquitous remote sensing
- Snow and ice studies: evolution of sea ice and snow conditions
- Carbon, water, nitrogen and aerosol cycles and balances
- Air quality
The level of research on these topics is high in Finland. Many of the topics are covered in the National Centre of Excellence "Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Meteorology of Atmospheric Composition and
Climate Change" and two Nordic Centres of Excellence, BACCI (Biosphere- Aerosol - Cloud - Climate Interactions) and NECC (The Nordic Centre for Studies of Ecosystem Carbon Exchange and its Interactions with the Climate System).
Sites and partners of the Graduate School:
- University of Helsinki: Department of Physics, Department of Forest Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Department of Geography
- University of Kuopio: Department of Physics, Department of Environmental Sciences
- Tampere University of Technology: Department of Physics
- Helsinki University of Technology: Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Department of Surveying
- Finnish Meteorological Institute: units in Helsinki and Kuopio
- Finnish Geodetic Institute
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Finland's Environmental Administration (SYKE)
- Vaisala Oyj
- Beneq Oy
- Space Systems Finland Oy
The Graduate School has received 12 doctoral student positions from the Academy of Finland for the time period 1.1.2010-31.12.2013.
In Finland, postgraduate studies include the doctoral dissertation, which is typically consisting of 5-6 peer reviewed papers in international journals and a summary, and studies of an amount of 60
credit units (ECTS). It takes typically 4 years to finish the PhD studies.
The application period for the positions ends on August 31st, 2009. Everyone who wishes to apply to the Graduate School must submit a written application, which must include:
- application form
- curriculum vitae
- publication list
- research plan (max 2 pages)
- postgraduate study plan
- copy of master's degree certificate
- transcript of studies
The selection of students for the positions is made by the Steering Committee of the Graduate School. When selecting the students, the following aspects are taken into account:
- research plan
- grades in master.s degree studies
- other scientific and technological merits
- supervisors' statements
- number and quality of publications (peer reviewed journals, peer reviewed conference papers)
The application and all the attachments must be submitted to the following address:
Antti Lauri
Fysiikan laitos
PL 48
FI-00014 Helsingin yliopisto
Furthermore, an electronic copy of the application form (not attachments) must be sent by email to antti.lauri@helsinki.fi.
The Steering Committee makes the decision about the positions during October 2009.
- Prof. Markku Kulmala (tel. +358 9 191 50756, email markku.kulmala@helsinki.fi)
- Prof. Timo Vesala (tel. +358 9 191 50862, email timo.vesala@helsinki.fi)
- Dr. Antti Lauri (tel. +358 9 191 50718, email antti.lauri@helsinki.fi)