Thursday 22 Oct. 2009
| Registration
General Session Chair J. Koskinen
| Opening, Chairman of Finnish Remote Sensing Club, J. Koskinen
| Finnish Earth Observation activities, T. Suortti, Tekes
| Swedish Earth Observation activities K. Dannenberg, R. Lundin, SNSB
| Norwegian Earth Observation activities G. Strøm, NSC
| Danish Earth Observation activities, H. Skriver, DTU
| Estonian Earth Observation activities, A. Reinart, Tartu Observatory
| Panel for questions
Poster session part 1 and refreshments
Sponsored by
- Marine Target Detection in
Single and Dual Channel SAR Images, C. Brekke
- Remote sensing of vegetation based on canopy spectral invariants, P. Stenberg
- Airborne small-footprint discrete-return LiDAR data in the assessment of boreal mire surface patterns, vegetation, and habitats, I. Korpela
- Estimating Snow Cover Properties over Northern Hemisphere in a Period of 30 Years, M. Takala
- Merging Flat/Forest and Mountainous Snow Products for Extended European Area, P. Lahtinen
- Computational 3D geometry of airborne laser scanning data in modeling tree crown architecture, J. Vauhkonen
- Sodankylä-Pallas TestBed, J. Lemmetyinen
- Phytoplankton biomass versus chlorophyll a: do they show the same water quality?, D.Vaiciute
Scientific sessions
| Land Applications Chair: P. Härmä
| Water Quality Chair: S. Koponen
| Progress in the use of coarse-resolution satellite data for environmental monitoring, phenology and carbon, L. Eklundh
| Testing of MERIS Boreal and Eutrophic Lake Processors at Lake Säkylän Pyhäjärvi, Finland, S. Koponen
| Planning of a Large-scale Soil Moisture Network for the Validation of Remotelysensed Surface Soil Moisture Data from the L-band Passive Microwave Radiometer SMOS: Skjern River Catchment, Western DK, S. Bircher
| Two decades of change in emergent macrophyte expansion in two large shallow northern temperate lakes on a retrospective series of satellite images, J. Liira
| Measuring gap size distribution and beyond-shoot clumping at Järvselja RAMI (RAdiation transfer Model Intercomparison) test sites, J. Pisek
| Water Quality Service for Lakes,
S. Anttila
| Geoland2 – Towards an Operational GMES Land Monitoring Core Service, M. Törmä
| Comparison of different MERIS Case II processors for the water quality estimation on the coastal waters of Finland, J. Attila
| Production of CORINE land cover 2006 and land cover changes between 2000-2006 in Finland, P. Härmä
| Variability in the inherent and apparent optical properties of the Baltic Sea and consequences for ocean colour algorithm development, J. Seppälä
| Soil Moisture Retrieval in Boreal Forests with HUT-2D Synthetic Aperture Radiometer, J. Seppänen
| Secchi 3000: New Approach to Water Quality Measurement Instruments and Systems Integration with Remote Sensing, T. Pyhälahti
Scientific sessions
| Snow and Ice Chair: J. Pulliainen
| Instruments Chair: J. Heilimo
| Development of remote sensing of cryosphreric processes: The ESA CoReH2O and its relation to other satellite missions, J. Pulliainen
| L-band Imaging Radiometry with Airborne HUT-2D Interferometer – From the Performance to Remote Sensing Applications, J. Kainulainen
| Simulating GPM DPR snowfall observations by using combined weather radar and CloudSat measurements, J. Leinonen
| ESTCube Mission— Testing the Electric Sail with the First Estonian Satellite, J. Envall
| Applications for laser scanning based methods for seasonal snow cover monitoring, A. Krooks
| Enhancing Satellite Data Reception Capabilities in FMI Arctic Research Centre at Sodankylä, J. Heilimo
| Snow remote sensing at Finnish Environment Institute, S. Metsämäki
| The Finnish and international calibration/validation activities of high-resolution Earth remote sensing instruments, E. Honkavaara
Poster session 2 and refreshments Sponsored by
Scientific sessions
| Snow and Ice Chair: J. Pulliainen
| UAV Chair: H. Saari
| On retrieving sea ice thickness using SAR and MODIS data, M. Similä
| MD4-200 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Retrieval of Bidirectional Reflectance Factor from Aerial Photographs,
T. Hakala
| Sea Ice SAR Data and Segmentwise Edge Features, J. Karvonen
| New Hyperspectral Imager for Light Weight UAVs – First test flight results, H. Saari
| ShipSensorNet – using ships as sensors in winter navigation, R. Berglund
| Automatic georeferencing of a UAV carried small format camera, T. Rosnell
Thematic Workshops
| Baltic Sea and Water Quality Chairs: S. Koponen, T. Pyhälahti, A. Seinä
| Climate Change Chairs: J. Pulliainen, K. Luojus, J. Praks
| Boreal Land Cover and Vegetation Chairs: T.Häme, E. Parmes, M. Karjalainen
| Nordic Co-operation in International Programmes Chairs: J. Koskinen, Y. Sucksdorf, A. Leskinen
Social event and Sauna
| Sponsored by