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Programme 2018

Please check the preliminary programme. Minor changes still possible.

Wednesday May 16
  Session 1 - Recent highlights and new opportunities, Johanna Tamminen
09:00 Welcome, Juhani Damski
09:10 Practicalities, Anu-Maija Sundström
09:15 Remote sensing research at FMI, Johanna Tamminen
09:30 New Space Economy, Markus Ranne
09:45 Iceye X1 satellite - SAR images from Finland, Pekka Laurila
10:00 Remote sensing activities at SYKE (Water Quality, Snow Cover, Land Cover), Sampsa Koponen
10:15 Coffee & Posters
  Session 2 - New applications using satellite data, Miranda Saarentaus
10:45 BioCarbon Monitoring Platform, Petteri Pihlajamäki
11:00 Forestry Thematic Exploitation Platform enables efficient use of satellite data for forestry, Renne Tergujeff
11:15 Increasing the societal impact of satellite-based observations for air pollution monitoring: applications from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), Iolanda Ialongo
11:30 Satellio Forest mapping, Joni Norppa
11:45 The BalticSatApps project: speeds up innovation creation using open space data, Ali Nadir Arslan
12:00 Lunch
  Session 3 - Remote sensing and bioeconomy, Pekka Hurskainen
13:00 Arbonaut, Tuomo Kauranne
13:15 How much does the range correction of LiDAR intensities improve tree species discrimination?, Petteri Packalen
13:30 Downstream applications, Miranda Saarentaus
13:45 Bitcomp Biotalous Forest, Erkki Tomppo
  Coffee & Posters
14:00 Poster pitching
  Spectral Bidirectional Reflectance Factor Measurements of Two Dwarf Shrub Species, Petri Forsström
  Can free global auxiliary datasets improve accuracy of object-based regional land use / land cover classification in heterogenous savanna landscapes?, Pekka Hurskainen
  Evaluation of the seasonal cycle and variability of the trend from GOSAT methane retrievals, Ella Kivimäki
  The potential of dense Landsat time series for deforestation monitoring in human-modified rainforests of Indonesia, Hadi
  The Finnish Data Hub (FINHUB), hosted at the National Satellite Data Centre (NSDC/FMI), Mwaba Hiltunen
  Interactive, Oleg Antropov
14:45 Panel discussion
15:15 Poster pitching
  Comparison of satellite based solar surface radiation estimates and CS model performance in Finland, Viivi Kallio
  Remote sensing and in situ measurements of greenhouse gases at the Sodankylä TCCON site, Rigel Kivi
  Effect of snow on diurnal variation of boreal forest albedo, Terhikki Manninen
  Artificial Intelligence for Retrieval of Forest Biomass & Structure, Matti Mõttus
  Estimating leaf area index from satellite images in boreal forest using a reflectance model, Daniel Schraik
  An automated image processing system for multiple camera networks, Cemal Melih Tanis
  Greenhouse gases and satellite methods, Hannakaisa Lindqvist
  NowIce - Predicting transit times of ships in winter navigation, Robin Berglund
  Mapping forest structure of Afromontane forest remnants by airborne laser scanning, Hari Adhikari
  Forest loss amplifies heat stress during dry season in the Horn of Africa, Temesgen Abera
15:45 Posters & Networking
17:15 Sauna (17:00-21:00)
Thursday May 17
  Session 4 - From remote sensing to environmental applications, Anu-Maija Sundström
09:00 Future of Copernicus, Mikko Strahlendorff
09:15 FMI Arctic Space Centre, Jyri Heilimo
09:30 Vaisala kaukokartoitus, Pekka Rossi
09:45 Compact Spectral Imaging and Measurement Solutions for different remote sensing applications, Antti Näsilä
10:00 IceTrails, Janne Tolonen
10:15 Reaktor Space Lab, Tuomas Tikka
10:30 Coffee & Posters
  Session 5 - Meteorology and climate, Matti Mõttus
10:55 Scientific views of the future meteorological satellite developments, Kenneth Holmlund
11:20 AC SAF atmospheric composition products for rapid response and monitoring: Examples, Seppo Hassinen
11:35 Global XCO2 anomalies: Direct space-based observations of anthropogenic CO2 emission areas from OCO-2 and comparison with inventory-based estimates, Janne Hakkarainen
11:50 Lunch
  Session 6 - Snow & ice applications, Kari Luojus
12:50 ESA EE10, snow satellite mission proposal, Juha Lemmetyinen
13:05 Assessment of seasonal snow cover mass in NH and the Arctic during satellite-era (1980-present), Kari Luojus
13:20 Iceberg detecion in dual-pol C-band SAR imagery by Segmentation and non-Parametric CFAR (SnP-CFAR), Alexandru Gegiuc
13:35 Landfast ice detection using dual-polarized C-band SAR imagery, Juha Karvonen
13:50 Coffee & Posters
  Session 7 - Advanced methods & remote sensing, Johanna Tamminen
14:15 Artificial Intelligence, Pekka Röyttä
14:30 Bayesian Aerosol Retrieval (BAR) algorithm for retrieval of aerosol properties and surface reflectance, Antti Lipponen
14:45 Plume Top Height Estimation using SLSTR, Timo Virtanen
15:00 Pareto-optimal model and threshold selection approach for biased support vector machine in tropical tree species mapping, Rami Piiroinen
15:15 Spectral libraries for forest reflectance modeling and remote sensing data interpretation, Aarne Hovi
15:30 Remote sensing at the Centre of Excellence of Inverse modeling and Imaging, Samuli Siltanen
  The End
15:45 Closing remarks, Johanna Tamminen