Ehdotus Suomen akatemian ohjelmaksi

Kaukokartoistuskerho ehdottaa Soumen akatemialle kaukokartoitusohjelmaa, joka hyödyntäisi big dataan liittyviä uusia avauksia ja tukisi suomalaista avaruusalaa kansainvälisissä hankkeissa. Tietoa akatemian toiveista löytyy sen verkkosivulta. Käy tykkäämässä ehdotusta tässä.

Kaukokartoitus maapallon tilan seurannassa (Earth Observation)

Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2014, 29th and 30th October, Finnish Meteorological Institute

The Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2014 will take place at headquarters of Finnish Meteorological Institute in Kumpula Helsinki on 29.-30. October 2014. You are welcome to join the event and the participation is free for everyone. In order to have the most interesting event, we invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations. For more information please see RSD 2014 page.

Abstract book of the FRSD 2013 published

Abstract book of the Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013 has been published in the report series of the Finnish Geodetic Institute (ISSN 0355-1962). Available only as a pdf file (ISBN: 978-951-711-308-3).

Download here (a pdf file) .


Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013, 23.-24. October 2013, Espoo, Otaniemi

In the Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013, about 100 remote sensing specialists gathered together to discuss about the recent activities in the field of remote sensing. The organizing committee would like to thank all sponsors, presenters, and participants. Without you the event would not have been possible. See you next year at the Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2014!

Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013, 23.-24. October 2013, Espoo, Otaniemi

The Finnish Remote Sensing Days take place on 23-24. October 2013 in the DIPOLI Congress Centre, Otaniemi, Espoo. The two day's event gives an overview on latest advances in Finnish remote sensing and provides an inspiring environment for professional networking. The full programme of the event can be found at the following link: .


Registration to the RSD 2013 has been opened

The registration to the RSD 2013 is now open at the www page:

Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013: Abstract submission dead-line extended until 6.9.2013

Submission of abstracts to the 2013 Remote Sensing Days has been extended until 6 September. Please take a look at the submission web page for instructions. The 2013 Finnish Remote Sensing Days takes place 23.-24. October 2013, in Dipoli Congress Centre, Otaniemi, Espoo.

Seminaari: Integroidut sovellukset – avaruusdata tietoyhteiskunnassa

Torstaina 26. syyskuuta 2013 klo 8.30 – 16.15
Brainstorm auditorio, Ilmatieteen laitos
Erik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 Helsinki

Euroopan avaruusjärjestön IAP (Integrated Application Promotion) –ohjelman tarkoituksena on edistää avaruustiedon käyttöä synnyttämällä uutta liiketoimintaa yhteiskunnan eri toiminnassa. Näissä ESAn rahoittamissa hankkeissa käytetään vähintään kahta avaruuskomponenttia navigoinnista, satelliittitietoliikenteestä tai kaukokartoituksesta. Kaikissa IAP -hankkeissa loppukäyttäjällä on tärkeä rooli.


Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013

The Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2013 will take place in Dipoli Congress Centre, Otaniemi, Espoo, 23.-24. October 2013. You are welcome to join the event and the participation is free for everyone. In order to have the most interesting event, we invite you to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations. For more information please see the www pages of the event. Feel free to distribute this call to your colleaques!


Symposium on Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth, Oceans, and Atmosphere

The URSI Commission F Microwave Signatures 2013 Specialist Symposium on Microwave Remote Sensing of the Earth, Oceans, and Atmosphere will take place on 28-31 October in Espoo (Helsinki).



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