Book of abstracts published

"Finnish Remote Sensing Days 2012. Book of abstracts" has been published in the "C"-series of Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki (ISSN 1798-7938). It is only available electronically, in pdf format. The ISBN of the proceedings book is 978-952-10-8453-9.

Download it here!

Lentokuva Vallas Oy liittyi Kaukokartoituskerhon jäseneksi

Ensi yrittämällä infomme meni ensin kommentteihi...

Lentokuva Vallas Oy liittyi Kaukokartoituskerhon jäseneksi

Lentokuva Vallas Oy:n ilmakuvaustoiminta on alkanut 1977 ja jatkunut siten jo noin 35 vuotta. Perustaja Hannu Vallas toimi 1970-luvulta alkaen HävLLV 21:n tiedustelu-upseerina (valvonta- ja tiedustelutoimintaan liittyi kaikenlainen dokumentointi erilaisin sensorein) Porissa, jossa sivutoimiluvalla alkoi pienimuotoinen ilmakuvaus lentokoulun osakkaana.

Abstract submission DL extended

Abstract submission deadline for Remote Sensing Days 2012 has been extended by one week, until 7 September. Do not miss out on the best networking event of Finnish remote sensing community!

submit your abstract here!

RSD 2012: Submission open now!

The submission system for Remote Sensing Days 2012 is now accepting one-page abstracts related to all aspects of remote sensing at .

The deadline for submission is 31 August. The same page includes simple instructions for formatting the abstract.

Reminder: Finnish Remote Sensing Days take place on October 25-26 at the Kumpula campus of
University of Helsinki.


Ennakkoilmoitus: Remote Sensing Days 2012

Kaukokartoituspäivät / Remote sensing Days 2012 järjestetään Helsingin yliopiston Kumpulan kampuksella 25-26.10.

Call for abstracts: coming soon!


Yliopistonlehtori, maantiede, erityisesti geoinformatiikka (vakanssi nro 30135), historia- ja maantieteiden laitos, Joensuun kampus

Yliopistonlehtori, maantiede, erityisesti geoinformatiikka (vakanssi nro 30135), historia- ja maantieteiden laitos, Joensuun kampus

Lisätietoja: laitoksen varajohtaja, professori Alfred Colpaert, puh. 050-4007427, sähköposti: tai johtava hallintopäällikkö Mari Ikonen, puh. 050-432 8267, sähköposti:


Hakuaika päättyy 4.4.2012 klo 15.00.


Service break on Monday 27th Feb

A service break is anticipated to take place on Monday 27th February. Web page of Remote Sensing Club can be unreachable for a couple of hours.

The 12th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium May 14-18, 2012 Levi, Finland

2nd call of papers

Welcome to the 12th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium. This conference deals specifically with remote sensing applications in the polar environments, both Arctic and Antarctic. It will provide an international forum for the discussion of work currently being carried out in the circumpolar regions of the world.

The theme of the 12th CRSS symposium in Finland is:
Polar regions in transformation; climatic change and anthropogenic pressures.

The conference topics are below, and additional topics and/or other Special Sessions can be considered:


Nordic Remote Sensing Days 2011

The Norwegian Space Centre together with Tromsø Centre for Remote Technology will host the 2nd Nordic Remote Sensing Days in Tromsø, Norway, 30 and 31 August 2011

The themes for the conference are:

Cryosphere - Arctic Oceans – Forests

Basis for a Nordic cooperation within Earth Observation

The conference invites papers presenting original work within the remote sensing of cryosphere, arctic ocean and forest. The themes will be elaborated further, both in the planning process and in the Programme Committee. All submission will be electronically handled. Submission instructions will be
posted on the conference website



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