9 työpaikkaa ESAn Kaukokartoitusohjelmassa

Principal Scientist Ocean/Ice
Earth Observation Programmes, ESTEC (NL), Salary class A2/A4
Closing date 23.12.2009

Optical Instrument Engineer
Earth Observation Programmes, ESTEC (NL), Salary class A2/A4
Closing date 15.12.2009

Instrument Engineer
Earth Observation Programmes, ESTEC (NL), Salary class A2/A4
Closing date 14.12.2009


Position of Research Associate Professor at the University of Maryland available

CLOSING DATE: open until filled
STARTING SALARY: commensurate with experience up to $100,000 for 12 months
ADDITIONAL SALARY INFO: Excellent benefits

DUTIES: A full time research faculty position for a Research Associate Professor is available in the Department of Geography at the University of Maryland.


ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010 deadline approaching!

ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010

The deadline for abstract submission (15th November 2009) is approaching!

The Symposium will present the results of the ESA EO missions in
exploitation by:
providing a forum for investigators to present results of on-going
research project activities using ENVISAT, ERS, GOCE, SMOS, CRYOSAT and
ESA Third Party Missions data
presenting the development of applications and services including the
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
presenting the ESA Climate Change Initiative

SMOS-päivä TKK:lla keskiviikkona 21.10.2009

Euroopan Avaruusjärjestön SMOS-satelliitti (Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity) on määrä laukaista 2.11.2009. Satelliitin hyötykuormana on uutta tekniikkaa edustava interferometrinen mikroaaltoradiometri, joka toimii L-alueella (1,4 GHz) ja tuottaa globaalia tietoa maankosteudesta ja merten suolapitoisuudesta. Satelliitin järjestelmien suunnitteluun, rakentamiseen ja testaukseen ovat osallistuneet Suomesta Teknillinen korkeakoulu, DA-Design Oy ja Modulight Oy. SMOS-havaintojen käyttöä tutkivat yhteisessä projektissa Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Ilmatieteen laitos ja Suomen ympäristökeskus.


PhD student positions in Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Application and Research on Earth Sciences (AISARES)

The Department of Geosciences and Geography of the University of Helsinki hosts two 4-year PhD student positions in airborne hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy in 2010-2014. The successful applicant should have an MSc degree or equivalent with knowledge and experience in quantitative physical remote sensing, which can be evidenced by an MSc thesis in the field and academic courses carried out. Earlier knowledge of software like MATLAB, ENVI IDL, ArcGIS, Erdas Imagine is needed.



Earth Observation Engineer
Earth Observation Programmes, ESRIN (I), Harwell (UK), Salary class A2/A4
Closing date 1.10.2009

Earth Observation Engineer
Earth Observation Programmes, ESRIN (I), Salary class A2/A4
Closing date 1.10.2009


The abstract submission deadline for Nordic Remote Sensing days has been extended.

The abstract submission deadline for Nordic Remote Sensing days has been extended. Please submit your abstract through conference web site http://www.kaukokartoituskerho.fi/2009.


Pöyry Environment Oy

Pöyry Environment Oy:n paikkatietopalveluihin kuuluvat paikkatiedon tuottaminen ja muokkaus, satelliittikuvien välitys, kaukokartoituksen kuvankäsittely eri sovelluksiin, sekä paikkatietokonsultointi. Yritys tarjoaa osaavaa kaukokartoituspalvelua keskittyen ympäristö- ja metsäsovelluksiin, kartoitukseen sekä turvallisuuteen. Sovelluksia ovat muun muassa maankäytön luokitukset, laaja-alaisten alueiden muutostulkinta, painumakartat ja hyperspektriset kuvaukset.

3D-paikkatietopalveluihin kuuluvat

Call for Papers: Special Issue on “Trends in service chaining for GEOSS themes” International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR)

The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) is an international initiative that provides decision-support tools and operational access to Earth observation data and geospatial content, serving a wide variety of users. GEOSS will proactively link together existing and planned observation systems around the world and support the development of new systems where gaps currently exist, promoting also common technical standards in a manner that data from thousands of different instruments can be combined into coherent data sets.


3-5 PhD positions in Earth observation/remote sensing are available at Department of Physics and Technology, University of Tromsø.

The University of Tromsø has 3-5 research fellow positions in Earth observation/remote sensing vacant for applicants who would like to complete a PhD degree. The positions are organized under the Department of Physics and Technology, and the research fellows will be enrolled in the Barents Remote Sensing School (BARESS), which is a research school in earth observation at the University of Tromsø.

The desired research area is Earth observation/remote sensing, specifically using SAR (synthetic aperture radar) and PolSAR (polarimetric SAR) data, addressing research problems like;



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